
This was a full stack eCommerce brand development project. Building a complete skincare company, impactful branding and a fully optimized eCommerce site.

What we've done

1. Complete Shopify store design

2. Conversion rate optimization

3. Oversight of content and ad curation

4. Influencer Marketing Campaigns

5. Primary & Secondary Packaging Design

6. Email Marketing & SMS Automated Marketing Flows

Facilitated studio partnerships and content curation

We had work to do.

This was a fresh startup that we've now developed into a reputable, household brand that is building massive momentum.

Creative split testing played a massive role in success as we consistently curated 5 to 10 mediums of ad content and angles per week in order to identify scalable winners.

Volim asked us to help...

— Develop brand awareness, data and sales

— Create an intuitive UX for online shopping

— Curate, optimize and scale direct to consumer ads

— Identify customer avatars, pain points and marketing strategy

This was an extremely gratifying project that we're currently partnered into and continuing to partake in scaling to 6 figures in monthly sales.